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Етикет: lay judge Mimo Garcia
Мимо Гарсия: Когато някой не е разкрил нещо за здравния си статус, то никой няма каквото и да е право да прави заключения по тази тема! Заставам на 100% зад сенатор Даян Файнстайн
За съжаление, хората много, много често не оценяват другите, докато са живи. Това се отнася и за най-близките, но и за онези важни личности, които формират света. Във връзка с миналата година, когато починаха толкова мои роднини, чувствам истинското облекчение, че съм бил до тях, когато са били живи, когато са имали нужда от мен, …
Mimo Garcia – Closet Gays and Playing Hide and Seek with Oneself: Carl Nassib Leads by Example
He’s trying his best to catch your attention. Paying rather awkward compliments, to say the least. Hovering around you but more likely, hovering mostly around himself, because he doesn’t want to answer the question: What am I? This isn’t the beginning of a romantic story about a shy boy who’s “stricken speechless” when he meets …
Mimo Garcia – Red Pill, Blue Pill, Sexist Pill
“Men provide everything, the only thing women can bring to the table are their bodies.” When I heard this “pearl of wisdom” in a random video I came across on YouTube, I thought it was part of a skit in a show. A couple of minutes later, I saw that there was almost an hour to …
Mimo Garcia – Employers routinely turn down disabled job seekers. What prevents them from doing their job is the stereotype, not the disability
I liked very much the film Words on Bathroom Walls. It is about something that is taboo to speak about, especially in Bulgaria: can a person with bipolar disorder, with schizophrenia, etc., live a normal life, love and be loved… To be honest, prejudice rather than the illness itself stands in the way of normal living …